The Henry County Christmas Parade
2023 Parade Theme: Home for the Holidays
Maumee Valley Civic Theater (MVCT) is excited and honored to be presenting the Henry County Tradition of the annual Henry County Christmas Parade and tree lighting. This year’s parade will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, beginning at the Henry County Fairgrounds at 5pm. The parade will end at the Henry County Courthouse, where the Snow Prince and Princess winners will be acknowledged followed the county Christmas tree!
Join the Fun! Be a part of or sponsor the Parade
This event is an opportunity for the community, businesses, families, and friends to come together and create memories, in attendance and in organizing and building your parade unit.
While ILLUMINATED parade floats are not required, we are scheduling the parade so that the sun is setting during it so that at the end of the parade there will be a presentation at the stairs of the Henry County Courthouse where we will be acknowledging the Snow Prince and Princess winners and are hoping to light the Christmas tree and the city Christmas lights.
Please be creative and fun with your entry! Kids and Adults alike are excited about this imaginative and hopefully bright parade. We encourage the silly, the fun, and things good in the spirit of the holidays!! Enjoy your positive interactions with the people around you, in the parade and watching the parade, and of course, be respectful and extra kind to the volunteers.
Need some fun ideas for your group? How about a snow shovel brigade? A lighted roller coaster group? Reindeer dogs and their elves? Kids groups can dress themselves as walking ornaments, gifts, snowflakes, and snowmen. Many ideas can be found on Pinterest and other creative sites.
To Sponsor the 2023 Henry County Christmas Parade please visit our Sponsor Page (The deadline for Sponsorship is November 1, 2023)
Participation in the 2023 Henry County Christmas Parade Application Deadline
Applications must be received NO LATER than November 24, 2023, by mail or via our online form.
By Online Form: Click to visit our online application
By Mail: MVCT Holiday Parade Application, PO Box 348, Napoleon, OH 43545 (Download Parade Application and guidelines)
To ensure quality and appropriate content for this kid/family-friendly event, parade organizers reserve the right to limit or deny participants.
- The parade steps off at The Henry County Fairgrounds (821 S Perry St, Napoleon, OH 43545) sharply at 5:00 PM, (Lineup begins at 3:00 PM at the Henry County Fairgrounds (821 S Perry St, Napoleon, OH 43545) Floats wishing to be judged should be ready by 4:00 PM)
- Proceeds down South Perry Street (Route 108) across the Maumee Bridge,
- Passes the Henry County Courthouse and then,
- Right on E. Washington Street (unload and/or head back to the workshop)
Your participation is greatly appreciated! Please follow the helpful guidelines to allow us to make a safe and entertaining event!
- All entries will be assigned a line-up number and receive further instructions about the parade upon approval of the application. (Approximately 3 days prior to parade via email)
- Parade line up begins at 3:00 PM at the Henry County Fairgrounds (821 S Perry St, Napoleon, OH 43545) Floats wishing to be judged should be ready by 4:00 PM
- All participants must follow all applicable rules and regulations. The parade coordinator reserves the right to remove any participant from the parade either prior to assembly, while assembling, or at any time during the parade.
- NO materials (i.e., candy or other giveaways) may be THROWN from the parade route or from the float. Walkers may hand or drop items along the road edge.
- Maumee Valley Civic Theater will secure Santa Claus for the parade. NO other Santas are allowed to participate.
- Drivers of all vehicles in the parade areas must possess a valid driver’s license and possess full liability vehicle insurance.
- All drives are required to have a clear view and maintain constant observations of all sides of their float. If any view of these areas is obstructed by accessories, decorations, etc., adult supervision must be posted at each corner of the unit to ensure no one or anything is run over.
- Floats must provide their own generator/ power source.
- Music for your group/ float is allowed and encouraged, but please specify on the application so we can try to keep the musical units separated.
- Emergency services agencies are limited to two full-size vehicles and one miniature/toy vehicle.
- All animals must be on some type of restraint and vaccinated.
- Alcoholic beverages and smoking are forbidden by any unit or participant. Violations will result in removal from the parade. No exceptions.
- No spectator, participant, or volunteer may jump on or off a float in motion or during the parade at any time or interfere with a unit in any way. The float capacity may not be exceeded. Participants will not have body parts, particularly legs and feet, extending past the sides, front, or rear of the float. This is a safety hazard. Floats will allow and not interfere with parade guides stationed at each wheel of the float. FOUR assigned volunteer guides will be walking with each float, wearing reflective vests.
- Each unit MUST complete the full parade route. (See parade route map)
- All units should stay approximately 20 feet behind the unit you are following
- VEHICLES, FLOATS, VEHICLES TOWING THE FLOATS, and all participants in any units are NOT permitted to have any controversial or questionable content on themselves or any vehicle. This includes but is not limited to bumper stickers, personal attire, written language or any images that could be considered offensive or inappropriate for a kid/family-friendly event. This is the sole decision of the parade chairman.
- After passing the Henry County Courthouse’s west side your parade unit will turn right onto E. Washington Street. Please keep moving to the end of the street. We must keep the rest of the parade moving behind you.
Floats will be divided into 4 divisions: Organizational, Commercial, Religious, and Youth and will be judged on the following categories:
- Use of Theme
- Originality
- Difficulty of Work
- Overall Appearance
In 2022 a ribbon will be given to each first-place winner in each division.
- In the case of rain, all participants are responsible for covering their unit and/or products. Please wear appropriate clothing in case of inclement weather.
- If there is inclement weather (i.e. snow, freezing rain, thunderstorms, heavy rain), the parade coordinator will make the decision to cancel or delay the parade the day before or the day of.
- This parade is held unless the weather is severe.
If you have any questions about this application or about participant regulations, contact MVCT at